our services
Suruhanjaya Tenaga Approval
Embark on compliance with the essential beginning

Certificate of Registration (CoR)
The Certificate of Registration (CoR) is the key to all import licenses with ST compliance. We expedite applications, ensuring our clients to obtain the CoR in the shortest turnaround time.

Certificate of Approval (CoA)
We guide clients through the application and renewal of Certificate of Approval (CoA). It is vital for ST compliance and ensuring swift customs clearance for imported goods.

Release Letter
We provide comprehensive assistance in acquiring Release Letters, a critical document necessary for various purposes, including special projects, research, re-work, transit, and regulatory compliance.

Lifting Identity Declaration (ID) Letter Ban
In cases of failed consignment tests, ST may prohibit the ID letter’s usage. We assist importers in lifting this ban, allowing them to utilize the foreign test report without incurring additional expenses.”

Consultation Services Involving ST
We offer tailored solutions based on each client’s unique needs and product requirements. This ensures that the advice and strategies we provide are aligned with their specific goals.

Regulatory Information Updates
Our commitment to providing comprehensive regulatory support extends to keeping our clients well-informed about any alterations, updates, or amendments to Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) regulations.